Dhaka, Bangladesh
Why are we here?
There are 114 refugee camps in Dhaka, Bangladesh where families have lived since the war of 1971. The displaced children living here have limited educational opportunities - none that provide quality education. There is a severe shortage of qualified teachers, the drop-out rate is high, and parents who are illiterate are unable to help their children study at home.
Where we are today
One of the biggest on-the-ground impacts of our program is that it was welcomed to run in an otherwise purely traditional school, OBAT English Medium School. The Principal of the school is thrilled with the program and the children’s progress.
Seeing the difference digital learning is making on children’s learning and overall development, our next steps are to scale this to 20 camps in the Mirpur area and 6 camps in the Muhammadpur area.
What we’re doing to help
We’ve been honored to work with our partner organization, OBAT Helpers, on our digital learning program that brings Math, English and Bangla to 190+ pre-school and working children.
Since launching in 2017, we ran the program in shifts, currently five shifts with 25 children in each. In 2020, we started a second program in OBAT English Medium School. The community is extremely happy with digital learning and through monthly meetings, open days, and progress reports they’ve become highly engaged in their children’s progress.
Our locations in Bangladesh