TTWF Report: “Addressing the Digital Divide”

Introduction: My name is Andrew Pinto, and I am a high school Senior in Bethesda,Maryland. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to volunteer for the Teach The World Foundation this summer, helping to add content to the foundation’s resource center.

The topic I explored – the Digital Divide – is very relevant right now and personal to me, as I am one of the millions of students who had to quickly transition to online learning in 2020. I am lucky that I did not have to worry about internet access to complete my schoolwork, but it made me contemplate what it must be like for many students in my area who do not have connectivity at home. I found several resources that I have included in this document, and I also provided my own opinion after researching this topic closely over the summer. I hope you find it helpful and that it gives you a good place to start as you explore this important issue.

Author: Andrew Pinto

Date: August 9th, 2020


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